Heliopetes sublinea Schaus, 1902;  Comments: S TX & E Mexico to Yucatan Peninsula TL: Mexico (Ver).

Heliopetes sublinea ♂ genitalia, MEXICO: San Luis Potosí, La Mara Ceiba, 11-VII-1988 (GTA-10802)

Structures shown are lateral and dorsal views of tegumen, uncus, gnathos, and associated structures; lateral internal view of right valva; dorsal view of caudal end of valva and lateral and dorsal views of aedeagus. Image published in: Austin, George T., and Andrew David Warren 2001. Taxonomic notes on some Neotropical skippers (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae): Pyrgus, Heliopetes, and Heliopetes (Pyrginae). Dugesiana 8(1): 1-13, 27 figs.; f. 17